Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chances Shiny Pokemon

WHY 'diets do not work?

I always say, the only solution is to supplement your diet, do not steal precious nutrients with calorie diets, but return to your body everything it needs to function well.
The natural way to stop, forever, to stay on a diet. Here's an illuminating article by Professor Melchionda, who - incidentally - is in no way connected to our company.

The diets? I'm useless. The diets do-it-yourself? Useless, indeed counterproductive. To counter the powerful mechanisms that lead us to overeat is needed cognitive and behavioral . Strict in its choices, each capable of further inspiration and any methodology that could help in achieving the goal. Nazario Melchionda , Professor of Metabolic Diseases at the University of Bologna is famous among his colleagues for the rigor with which it also applies to itself the rules that 'preach' to others to Congress is seen getting up at dawn to exercise and study carefully the menu or buffet. If it is uncertain to the proceeds of a calorie food extracted from his pocket a scale and weigh it.

was open to him to Bologna, more than thirty years ago, the first Centre of Physiopathology Nutrition and Metabolism, a discipline that has taught first in Italy since 1974.

When diet is counterproductive
Today Melchionda aligns with the knowledge of Evidence Based Medicine and of 'diet' does not want to hear about "approach is counterproductive," he says, sharp as ever "no one has ever succeeded in losing weight permanently with the prescription of a diet, Indeed diets make you fat " .
"In fact" known Melchionda "not only 100% of people who rely on diets do-it-yourself fails in its purpose: also the vast majority of patients followed with attention and rigor as good professional finish to regain lost weight within a few months pass and the years following . The cycle is: 3 months of dieting to lose to 10 pounds and 15 2-3 years to recover. "

After decades of study and deepening the founder of the Italian Society for the Study of Obesity, Member of the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) was created by the World Health Organization, considers that it has come to define Italy in a therapeutic model and methodology can provide some results, widely described in North America.

Defined Cognitive-behavioral therapy and is tested for years (with constant changes) at the Unit of Metabolic Diseases and Eating Disorders Food of the Hospital Policlinico St. Orsola-Malpighi in Bologna, one of the few spaces dedicated to nutritional and metabolic diseases.
What are the relations between obesity or overweight and diabetes type 2?
A cause-effect relationship very closely. The diabetes is one component of the metabolic syndrome , often is not even the most important. In somewhat likely to 'cast a shadow' the real problem.
Diabetes is in fact only one aspect. His first problem is being overweight, obesity often. The bad eating habits and lack of exercise. What is the problem. From here descend diabetes, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure and so forth.

Overweight is the 'first' problem in terms of time or importance?
Both. No fat because you have diabetes, while type 2 diabetes is in most cases the result of overweight. The late result overweight. In fact, when diagnosed with diabetes, we're talking about someone who for many years developed insulin resistance, hypertension, which resulted in serious damage in his arteries.
So the first thing you lose weight ...
Sure! This is the main preventive measure, and the most important treatment for all aspects of the metabolic syndrome .
But despite much talk of diets, we all increasingly fat and increasingly struggle to control weight .
We are fat despite diets or 'because' of diets? Many diets end up promoting an increase in weight because forcing the body to a forced-nutrition, which is followed overnutrition one fatally, because amplify or trigger eating disorders and especially because the experience of failure depresses the person, and it is the spring of depressive feelings less healthy eating habits.
The fact is that lose weight is difficult, rather than to quit smoking or drinking ...
There is no comparison. Smoking or alcohol are 'flaws', pleasures, habits acquired, call it what he wants. The food is rather a necessity: the body is programmed to take all the nutrients that is available. Our body has evolved in 50,000 years in which the power was uncertain and rebels today in every way the idea of \u200b\u200ba voluntary reduction of food . 'Eat to save yourself and your species', they say hormones and neurotransmitters, social and cultural inputs. The fat until fifty years ago was life, was a very important subject. Today, however, since the food is guaranteed to all people in the West, the fat is a risk. For this reason alone the patient can not do anything, we must counteract the resistance is too strong. (Source: Modus online)


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