Thursday, March 17, 2011

Can A Gum Pocket Heal

nervous and agitated, HEALTH FOR ALL THE ARTERIES ...

A study by Israeli researchers and published in 'Nutrition and Metabolism has shown the beneficial properties of a mix of antioxidants health of the arteries of a group of patients at cardiovascular risk.

Already known for their benefits against cellular aging and the deterioration of the tissues, antioxidants mark a new point in their favor. According to an Israeli study reported on "Nutrition and Metabolism, supplements based on a mix of antioxidants have beneficial effects on the flexibility of the arteries, blood pressure and metabolism of fat and sugar in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors.

A team of researchers at the Wolfson Medical Center Holon has divided into two groups a sample of 70 patients with high blood pressure for a period of six months, members of the first group received supplements of antioxidants - vitamin C (1000 mg / day), vitamin E (400 IU / day ), coenzyme Q10 (102 mg / day) and selenium (200 mcg / day) -, while the second took placebo capsules. After some tests at baseline, three months and at the end of the trial, experts have found a significant improvement in the cardiovascular health of patients supplemented. In particular, they showed a higher level of elasticity in arteries and improved blood glucose levels. Benefits were seen in the levels of cholesterol, with a significant increase in HDL cholesterol, the so-called "good cholesterol", so much so that the experts conclude that "antioxidant supplements have the potential to alleviate the damage of atherosclerosis." "The antioxidant supplements - Zimlichman explains Reuven, who heads the research team - have significantly increased the elasticity of large and small arteries in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors. This beneficial vascular effect was associated with improved glucose and lipid metabolism, and a significant decrease in blood pressure. "
The results of the study, concluded Zimlichman, "warrant further investigation to assess the impact of global clinical treatments using antioxidants in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors "


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