real consumption stops until the end of 2014: before that date do not you can 'come back again to pre-crisis levels. This also because, with the same purchasing power today, every Italian has an average of 570 € a year less than the first quarter of 2007. E 'analysis of the Office of Confcommercio studies, Mariano Bella submitted by the Director during the opening press conference of the Forum in Cernobbio.
Since 2001, recalls Confcommercio, growth in per capita consumption has actually stopped (+0.1% annually). Between the first quarter of 2007 and the lowest in the second quarter of 2009, have reduced overall consumption by 4.3%. "Considering the future growth in real expenditure per capita higher than the rates experienced in the pre-crisis - said the report - at the end of 2014 we have not fully recovered the levels of early 2007." In the graph, the slope of the black, dividing the 34 years from 1981 to 2014 during periods of peak to peak in various cycles, decreased rapidly to zero since the early 2000: ie, the organization stresses, "the actual consumption does not progress anymore."
According Confcommercio, the Italian economy is still slow for three years with a growth rate of 1% in 2011 and 1, 2% in the next two years. A similar trend is expected for consumers with a 2012 agreement that "will see a growth in consumer spending, which offset a modest reduction of the consumption / GDP suffered in 2010 and is expected to continue in 2011." Confcommercio also foresees a rise in inflation to 2.7% this year due to higher material first that will affect the dynamics of consumption.
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