Friday, March 11, 2011

Bought A Stolen Motorcycle

LEG Take care!

slender, tapering, with a compact skin and muscles harmonious: these are the perfect legs, a combination of charm and health. In reality, however, it is difficult to have them as well, on the contrary, the legs may show more or less obvious defects: outline a bit 'too round, not skin tone, bearing unsightly. Each type has characteristics of leg room for improvement, acting in a different way with the most advanced surgical and aesthetic techniques and targeted. Here are three different types of legs: those little thin but toned, a little ones' turned too, and those where the problem is localized fat, with their weaknesses and the most appropriate solutions to combat them.

heavy weighted lines across the leg, thighs, calves and ankles but also turned a little thin. This type is very common characteristics of those who have a problem of lymphedema. So there is a stagnant lymph and the accumulation of waste in the tissues: because of the presence of excess fluid from the leg look "swollen" and the feeling of heaviness. In those who suffer from lymphedema may appear other problems that indicate intoxication waste plaguing the agency: among these are symptoms not to ignore the change in their menstrual cycle, swelling of the feet, which are sometimes even in pain, and headaches. The swelling of the legs and loss of definition of the lines (called trunk legs), which occurs primarily in young women, is often caused by lipolinfoedemia. In these cases there is only an accumulation of fluid and toxins in the lower limbs but also a problem of overweight and fat pads.
For lipolinfedema
This type of cell where it joins the overweight and the water retention is caused by an excess of sugar in the diet. But sweet also refined flour whose abuse may tip the balance in the body produce insulin and other hormone sensitive mechanisms. The first thing to do then is to lose weight with a slightly high-protein diet that also restores the right levels of blood sugar. The diet must be combined with a course of mesotherapy, microinjection is injected under the skin where a mix of drugs draining, to dispose of liquids, and lipolytic, to reduce fatty deposits. Mesotherapy cellulite fails to convey the drugs under the skin and reach subcutaneous layers. A course of mesotherapy consists of 10 sessions of 15 minutes each, to be carried out weekly. Each session costs about 100 €.
Fighting excess liquid
To assess whether there is really a problem of venous and lymphatic insufficiency and how serious it can make a simple and painless examination: the ultrasound. This allows the visualization of the vessels by ultrasonography of the venous system. So to bring the system back into balance veno-lymphatic must first undergo a course of treatment for lymph drainage. It 's a hand massage, very effective against cellulite but also help to detoxify the body by causing the poisoning of the waste. Provides a series of targeted movements and compressions on the skin to stimulate the lymphatic system and help them work properly. The treatment type includes a series of at least 20 sessions of one hour. The price of a seat is about 60 €. To lymphatic drainage, for a more effective and comprehensive treatment can be combined with a session by 20 minutes of pressure therapy. Is to introduce the special leggings legs that inflate and deflate alternately to purify the lymph and toxins from the arts and make a passive vascular exercise. A seat costs about 80 €, treatment should be repeated once a week. Very useful is also the small vibration compression. This is a technique that aims to improve the elasticity and strength of the skin by the oscillations and the compression produced by a roller with beads. In addition to stimulating the flow of lymph and the elimination of toxins, the movement of beads on the skin increases the oxygenation of tissues. A session costs around € 100 and must be repeated once a week for 6 weeks.
little toned legs
In this type of leg cellulite is joined to poor muscle tone. This is most evident in the upper leg, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe thighs, the skin appears a little tense muscles depleted, the contours lose clarity. When the natural muscle tone is lost, the appearance of the skin is altered: the signs of cellulite, orange peel and skin irregularities more clear. The skin of the legs, without the power given by well-defined muscles, it is emptied, relaxed. At the same time, the metabolism slows down and then the nourishment of the tissues is less. Cellulitis associated with low muscle tone is especially typical of women in which thins too thin that thin layer of subcutaneous fat, typical of the female body, located mainly on the thighs and hips.
Legs with adiposity
Slim, good muscle tone contours but marred by localized accumulations of fat: bearings on the thighs or knee area. These may be constitutional problems that occur mainly in Mediterranean women. For those who have this type of leg the goal is not weight loss but only refined where it is needed to remove the bearings, this can be done with a surgical technique: liposculpture


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