Saturday, March 19, 2011

Appropriate Wording For 36 Weeks Gestation

Falcone-Borsellino? "Two fools"

Falcone-Borsellino? "Two fools"

Mafia, shock survey in schools

17:08 - On 26 percent of students considered''Falcone and Borsellino deluded ' ', or even the''fools''. And 'The most' significant MafiaContro emerged from the survey of the association, on a sample of 1,062 children between 15 and 18 years, attending seven schools in Sicily, one from Friuli and a Lombard. The 32 per cent of respondents also admitted that, instead of the two judges blown up in 1992,''acted professionally diametrically opposite choices: go away or do absolutely nothing against Cosa Nostra.''
10 percent of respondents considered the boss Riina and Provenzano''honorable men'', to 5 percent of them are harassed by the''bad luck''. 31 percent think that the Mafia''is an invention, or even a good''and 48 percent would provide''a revenge direct''or''will be eager to seek help from someone who can support each other.''

rates exceed 71 percent when it comes to expressing the''no confidence''in institutions, 55 percent believes that the activities' school''do not form the conscience''and 26 percent that we must accept the Mafia,''or be resigned to live with.'' By examining only the sample of students from Friuli and Lombardy shows that in 68 percent of the cases have never heard of (or only sometimes) lace. 98 percent of them no doubt in defining''the Mafia's bad for society "


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