Friday, February 25, 2011

Play Games Like Poptropica


It's never too late to start studying foreign languages \u200b\u200b . Especially since learn to speak different help forge an iron memory. U nce become multilingual, nothing can tarnish our mental clarity, because it is talk English, German, English, and so on and so forth, has a protective effect against cognitive disorders . This was revealed in a study to be presented at 63 ° meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in a program Honolulu, Hawaii.

The survey involved 230 men and women with a mean age of 73 years during their lifetime spoke from two to seven different languages. Within the group, 44 participants reported cognitive problems. The rest of the sample has been shown to have no trouble.

The researchers found that the true multilingual , those that could boast and at least four languages, run a five times less risk of memory problems than those who speak two. For those who " masticav a ' three languages, the risk is three times lower than bilingual. Finally, older people were still able to be fluent in more than two foreign languages \u200b\u200bmay qualify for a four times lower risk of cognitive problems. "It seems to speak more than two languages \u200b\u200b - explains Magali Perquin of the Centre de Recherche Public de la Santé Luxembourg, the principal author of the study - can fun tioned by scud or to memory problems during the life. Further studies are needed to understand that this benefit may extend to other cognitive areas beyond memory. "


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