Deathly Walks Among The Living ... None to hear it cry, none to see it die. What's it? A non-living person, Voted to pain, engraved by ITS own life on That loneliness of forgotten rock .. Laid aside by ITS life, laid up with sorrow ..
Puddles everywhere, it walks by drenchin That Lonely Road 'ITS once-happy dreams ...
It stops, raises ITS head up to the sky and cries out agony ITS ..
The snow .. Falling on the ground, filling all around .. None touches it .. It Has Been left aside of the world. No feeling goes in, no feeling goes out ...
And in that rainy day I got lost in a maze whose walls rose on far beyond any possible escape route. Drops of stoic courage become a source of weakness buried under heaps of tears, old barriers m'imprigionarono in chains, a life of captivity vote for self-destruction. Today is a dead hope today has broken my biggest dream. Both fought to lay down their arms. But now I'm back again affardellante, again starting this war without apparent end, war fought in chains, war doomed to failure for all.
A smile covered my every cry, every smile defeated my enemy, that smile became a part of me, and made me hope for the end of the war ..
Today I take my weapon, and woe to you if you dare make me hope again in peace. There is no peace for me there is only war.
And in this day of rain, with my pen, I return to write about pain and loneliness.
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